It is well known that LD_PRELOAD can be used to override shared library functions loaded at runtime by the dynamic linker [1]. What is not so well known is that internal functions - functions whose code lies within the .text section of the binary - can also be be hooked indirectly using a simple trick that relies on LD_PRELOAD, even though these functions obviously are not imported from dynamically-linked libraries (shared objects).


The following will be discussed:

  • a discription of redirect-to-PLT
  • use cases
  • redirect-to-PLT is not GOT/PLT hooking or infection
  • demonstration of the technique with toy program


  • basic familiarity with the following:
    • the ELF format
    • dynamic linking in Linux
    • LD_PRELOAD - what it is, how to use it


  • Keystone Engine
  • Python 3
  • GCC


When a function in the .text section is called, the instruction pointer jumps to the address of the first instruction of that function. To hook such a function, the instruction pointer can be redirected to jump to the entry in the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) of a shared library function which will be called instead. This shared library function can then be overridden via LD_PRELOAD by injecting custom code to be executed in place of the hooked internal function. Though the overridden shared library function may be called elsewhere in the program and called under different conditions from the hooked internal function, it is possible to control when the code meant to override the functionality of the hooked internal function executes.

Put simply, this technique is essentially an extension of the LD_PRELOAD technique such that it can be used to override internal functions as well, wherein flow of execution detours from code resident in the binary’s .text section to code imported from an injected shared library. It consists of a redirect and an override:

  1. First, the call to the target internal function is replaced via patching with a call to a shared library function in the PLT.
  2. Next, that particular shared library function is overridden with code from a custom shared library, and that shared library is loaded via LD_PRELOAD

Use Cases

Redirect-to-PLT may be useful when there is a need to insert debugging instrumentation into internal functions or if we want to override an internal function, but adding code to the binary itself is not desirable.

  • code may be added to a binary by adding a new segment or via segment padding infection techniques [3][4], but this is quite cumbersome for a few reasons:
    • adding code this way usually requires re-engineering the binary file to some extent, extending or adding segments, changing flags, updating information in the ELF header and the program load table to reflect changes made to the binary image and so forth.
    • calling shared library functions in code added to the binary is rather complex, thus system calls are typically made directly. This often necessitates writing code in assembly rather than C or using both together.

    As a result of the restructions imposed by this approach, it is not very flexible and writing code to accomplish this appears to be a comapratively slow and error-prone endeavor.

  • However, if we want to analyze the behavior of an internal function using the redirect-to-PLT trick, we can recreate the logic of the function in a shared library, add the desired modifications, patch the code to call that new shared library function instead of the chosen internal function, and then inject this shared library with LD_PRELOAD. The instrumented code in this shared library will then be executed instead of the original internal function code.

Naturally, all the restrictions that apply to shared libraries also apply to this technique. For example, only other shared library functions can be called within a shared library function (as far as I can tell), therefore this technique is generally better suited for hooking leaf functions. Also, C++ functions exported from a shared object cannot be imported into a C program/shared library function unless the “extern C” is used in the function declaration when that program was compiled, so the export/import trick used in Transforming an ELF executable into a library won’t work, as calling dlsym on a function with a mangled symbol name returns NULL.

Hooking with redirect-to-PLT vs GOT/PLT hooking

It should be noted that even though this method relies on the PLT for redirection, it is not related to GOT/PLT hooking [2], in which the GOT or PLT are overwritten in order to override imported shared library functions in a similar vein to LD_PRELOAD. This redirect-to-PLT trick is a hack to override internal functions specifically; no changes are made to the GOT or the PLT.

Overriding an Internal Function in a Toy Program

For the following program (example_program1), we want to hook the detour_me() function:

This produces the following ouput:

$ ./example_program_1 
In main(), before detour_me()
Can you detour this function?
In main(), after detour_me()

The approach to hooking this function is as follows:

  1. Select a suitable shared library function to override
  2. Patch the CALL to detour_me() to point to the PLT entry of the chosen shared library function
  3. Design the custom shared library to inject
  4. Use LD_PRELOAD to inject the shared library. In this case the hook will print “I <3 LD_PRELOAD”.

Before beginning, a copy of the original binary should be made. Here the copy will be called copy_to_patch. Subsequent steps will involve this copy, not the original binary.

To select a suitable shared library function to override, we can examine which shared library functions have entries in the PLT. One way of doing this is using grep to search through disassembly of the binary output by objdump:

$ objdump -dj .text copy_to_patch | grep plt
 65e:	e8 0d ff ff ff       	callq  570 <__cxa_finalize@plt>
 69a:	e8 c1 fe ff ff       	callq  560 <printf@plt>
 6ab:	e8 b0 fe ff ff       	callq  560 <printf@plt>
 6bc:	e8 9f fe ff ff       	callq  560 <printf@plt>
 6cd:	e8 8e fe ff ff       	callq  560 <printf@plt>
 6d9:	e8 72 fe ff ff       	callq  550 <puts@plt>
 6ec:	e8 5f fe ff ff       	callq  550 <puts@plt>
 6fd:	e8 4e fe ff ff       	callq  550 <puts@plt>

Since this example program is trivial, we could override any of these, but here __cxa_finalize() will be chosen since it illustrates the flexibility of this approach and will also introduce an interesting challenge associated with using this technique.

Next, the call to detour_me() needs to be patched to point to the entry in the PLT for __cxa_finalize(). From the bit of output above, it can be seen that the file offset of the the PLT entry for __cxa_finalize() is 0x570. According to the disassembly of main(), detour_me() is called at file offset 0x6f1:

00000000000006e1 <main>:
 6e1:   55                      push   %rbp
 6e2:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
 6e5:   48 8d 3d ca 00 00 00    lea    0xca(%rip),%rdi        # 7b6 <_IO_stdin_used+0x26>
 6ec:   e8 5f fe ff ff          callq  550 <puts@plt>
 6f1:   e8 94 ff ff ff          callq  68a <detour_me>   <----------------
 6f6:   48 8d 3d d7 00 00 00    lea    0xd7(%rip),%rdi        # 7d4 <_IO_stdin_used+0x44>
 6fd:   e8 4e fe ff ff          callq  550 <puts@plt>
 702:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
 707:   5d                      pop    %rbp
 708:   c3                      retq   
 709:   0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00    nopl   0x0(%rax)

Key pieces of information for patching:

  • main() calls detour_me() at offset 0x6f1
  • the PLT entry for __cxa_finalize() is at 0x570

Python script to patch the copy of the example program:

After the patch is applied, __cxa_finalize() is called from main() instead of detour_me():

00000000000006e1 <main>:
 6e1:   55                      push   %rbp
 6e2:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
 6e5:   48 8d 3d ca 00 00 00    lea    0xca(%rip),%rdi        # 7b6 <_IO_stdin_used+0x26>
 6ec:   e8 5f fe ff ff          callq  550 <puts@plt>
 6f1:   e8 7a fe ff ff          callq  570 <__cxa_finalize@plt>   <--------------
 6f6:   48 8d 3d d7 00 00 00    lea    0xd7(%rip),%rdi        # 7d4 <_IO_stdin_used+0x44>
 6fd:   e8 4e fe ff ff          callq  550 <puts@plt>
 702:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
 707:   5d                      pop    %rbp
 708:   c3                      retq   
 709:   0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00    nopl   0x0(%rax)

Now that the binary has been patched, it is time to write a shared library to inject. Fortunately, in this case the logic of the program is very simple and the library function chosen to be overridden can simply be substituted. We need not concern ourselves with wrapping it.

Here is the code of the custom shared library to inject:

This will be compiled via

$ gcc -shared -fPIC -o override_cxa_finalize.c 

Now we are ready to inject the code!

$ LD_PRELOAD=$PWD/ ./copy_to_patch 
In main(), before detour_me()
In main(), after detour_me()

It works, but there is a problem: __cxa_finalize() is called 3 times, whereas in the original binary the function we want to hook, detour_me(), is called only once. How can we ensure that the detour for detour_me() is executed only when __cxa_finalize() is called from main()?

This is one of the main challenges associated with using a library function to hook an internal function; depending on which library function is chosen, it may be called an arbitrary number of times and across a variety of circumstances which may be hard or impossible to predict or account for.

In this case, one possible solution is to take advantage of the fact that according to the prototype for __cxa_finalize(), the function takes an argument and that the value of this argument will vary across calls to __cxa_finalize(). The code overriding detour_me() can be set to execute for a particular value of the argument.

This produces the desired behavior:

$ LD_PRELOAD=$PWD/ ./copy_to_patch 
In main(), before detour_me()
Argument to __cxa_finalize(): 0x1
In main(), after detour_me()
Argument to __cxa_finalize(): 0x556fdf12d008
Argument to __cxa_finalize(): 0x7f22c14cb028

Another option is counting the number of times __cxa_finalize() is called so that the “I <3 LD_PRELOAD” message is printed only when detour_me() is being hooked. Aside from the very first call to __cxa_finalize(), we do not want our code for detour_me() to execute. Therefore, if the number of times __cxa_finalize() has been called can be checked within __cxa_finalize(), the code overriding detour_me() can be made to execute only upon the first call to __cxa_finalize() and otherwise not.

This can be accomplished by using setenv() and getenv() within the injected shared library to create, update and read an environmental variable stored on the stack that keeps track of the number of times __cxa_finalize() is called during program runtime:

And inject the new library:

$ LD_PRELOAD=$PWD/ ./copy_to_patch 
In main(), before detour_me()
__cxa_finalize() called 1 time!
In main(), after detour_me()
__cxa_finalize() called 2 times!
__cxa_finalize() called 3 times!

Once again, the code for detour_me() in the injected library is executed only when __cxa_finalize() is called in main() in place of detour_me().


  • By patching a function call to an internal function to jump to a shared library function entry in the PLT, that shared library function will be called instead of the internal function. Thus the internal function is now hooked by a shared library function.
  • The shared library function that hooks the internal function can be overridden with a custom library via LD_PRELOAD.
  • Since execution detours to the shared library function, there are few constraints on what can be executed instead of the code of the internal function. For example, unlike when inserting code into the binary itself, library calls can be made easily, and space is a non-factor. There is no need to use code caves, look for 00 padding, extend segments, update variable relocations manually, etc.
  • However, ensuring that the code overriding the internal function is executed only when that internal function is hooked by the shared library function may require coding triggers in the custom shared library, depending on which library function was chosen as the internal function override; program- and runtime-specific conditions may be very particular.

In this post, a toy example was used to introduce this technique. In the next part, it will be demostrated how to use redirect-to-PLT to insert debugging instrumentation into the internal functions of crackme programs.

  1. Dynamic linker tricks: Using LD_PRELOAD to cheat, inject features and investigate programs
  3. Infecting the plt/got